These hiking boots are specifically designed for protecting the feet and ankles during outdoor walking activities such as hiking. They are one of the most important items of hiking gear since their quality and durability can determine a hiker's ability to walk long distances without injury. This is upgraded for 2019 and this is also waterproof. So it doesn't matter what or where you go through, this one will be with you!
Athletic Shoe Type: Hiking Shoes
Department Name: Adult
Gender: Men
Outsole Material: Rubber
Shoe Width: Medium(B,M)
Closure Type: Lace-Up
Upper Material: Genuine Leather
Insole Material: EVA
Lining Material: Cotton Fabric
Feature: Breathable
Feature: Waterproof
Fit: Fits true to size, take your normal size
Level Of Practice: Beginner
climbing shoes: mens climbing shoes
camping shoes: outdoor climbing shoes
men mountain shoes: climbing shoes men