This stretchable bungee cord is great way to keep tarps fastened in place for all kinds of needs from inside the home to outdoors. Bungee cords can be used for securing outdoor gear such as boats, camping supplies, campers and more. When transporting items by truck, RV, motorcycle, car (rooftop) or trailer, we recommend these elastic bungee cords. Bungee cords definitely come in handy during your camping trips.
Bungee cords are great for securing your tarps overloads that need to be hauled from point A to point B. These bungee cords have good tensile strength and will not mildew or abrade because of its polyester weave jacket. The steel hooks are tough and will not get scratched easily.
- Available in 5 different lengths
- Material: Hook made by aluminum with elastic design
This bungee cord provides constant tension and a firm hold. You don't need to worry about securing loads on cars, trucks, trailers, bikes, or anything. This cord is perfect.
Please view our Bungee Cord options on
*Photos of listing to show style but not actual length.